Global Bluenosers

Keeping Nova Scotia close. Wherever you are.

We are a community dedicated to connecting, empowering, and celebrating Nova Scotians and Nova Scotians-at-heart living around the world.Through authentic storytelling, uniquely East Coast events, and purposeful community-building, Global Bluenosers is creating the most impactful network of ambassadors that Nova Scotia has ever seen.Wherever you now call home, Global Bluenosers makes sure there's always a healthy dose of Nova Scotia in your life.

© Some Good Media & Entertainment. All rights reserved.

Our Story

Founded in April 2023 by Sean Meister, Global Bluenosers started as a simple podcast.A former expat for 10 years, Sean came Home to Nova Scotia in 2017 with a well-established belief that the community of Nova Scotians and Nova Scotians-at-heart he had met on his journeys held the key to his province's future international success.But first, they needed to know they belonged to the Nova Scotia family no matter where they lived!Since launching, Global Bluenosers has grown organically as a grassroots community for those proud Bluenosers around the world. From the podcast, Global Bluenosers has grown into a digital community with pop-up events around the world and thought leadership events back Home in Nova Scotia.Focusing on connecting, empowering and celebrating the Nova Scotian diaspora, Global Bluenosers is on a mission to create a Nova Scotia beyond our wildest dreams.Built on the core value of radical generosity, we are achieving our mission by committing to intentionally building the sense of borderless belonging for the diaspora and driving economic impact for the province through collective action.

Photo is a first person perspective. The photographer is sitting in an airport and in the foreground of the photo, they are holding a small notebook that is patterned in the Nova Scotia tartan. In the mid-ground, is a piece of luggage with a Nova Scotia fl

The Global Bluenosers Podcast

There's a magical place, hidden away on Canada's East Coast called Nova Scotia, that has shaped the lives of countless people around the world.Often called Bluenosers, Nova Scotians are known for our kindness, resiliency, and a telltale gift to gab.The Global Bluenosers Podcast is the story of Nova Scotia, told one person and one life journey at a time. This is a different perspective on our province, focusing on the stories of those who have left the shores of their province to explore the world.

Our Latest Episodes

Our Events

Global Bluenosers LOVES to bring people together around our shared Nova Scotian identity. We host events both at Home in Nova Scotia and in our Hub Cities around the world.

International Events

Our Sociable! by Global Bluenosers events are hosted in cities around the world, bringing Nova Scotia right to you! From small dinners to 100+ person pub nights, Sociable! events builds your community of Bluenosers in your

Nova Scotia Events

With Insights by Global Bluenosers, our community of proud Nova Scotians give back to their Home province by sharing the expertise and professional insights gained from their life abroad. Delivered as in-personal educational + community building events around Nova Scotia, they happen during trips Home for our featured Global Bluenosers.


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